
From IndieWeb
Revision as of 13:16, 20 January 2018 by Aaronparecki.com (talk | contribs) (→‎Indicating Item Source: twitter reposts)

The Microsub spec provides a standardized way for clients to consume and interact with feeds collected by a server.

The Microsub server is responsible for managing the accounts you follow, retrieving updates from them, and the Microsub endpoint provides the feed entries in a normalized format for easy consumption by clients.

This is an early Editor's Draft, and feedback is encouraged.
Wiki (Feedback, Open issues)
IRC: #indieweb on Freenode
Aaron Parecki
Per CC0, to the extent possible under law, the editor(s) and contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. In addition, as of 2024-05-17, the editor(s) and contributors (2017-04-09 onward) have made this specification available under the Open Web Foundation Agreement Version 1.0.

Design Goals

The goal of Microsub is to simplify the process of building a reader, since there are many moving parts when consuming external content.

In general, when subscribing to a feed, a reader should use WebSub if the feed is enabled with it, but may need to fall back to polling if not. Depending on the format of the feed, there can be many variations in the actual data available at the feed. For example, there are several different ways an h-entry can represent the author of the entry, described at authorship. There are also multiple ways a list of h-entrys can appear in an h-feed.

The role of the Microsub server is to normalize the data in the wild and turn it into a simpler format for displaying in clients. Clients should never have to second guess or doubt any data they receive from the Microsub server. The assumption is that the server has done all the verification and normalizing of the data, and it is ready to display to the user. The fewer checks and conditionals that clients have to write the better.


The Microsub endpoint is where the client will make all API requests. All API requests require authentication with a Bearer access token that the client needs to obtain. If the client does not have a preexisting relationship with the server, then the following method of discovery and authorization should be used to obtain an access token and discover the Microsub endpoint.

It is possible for a client to be pre-configured with a Microsub endpoint, or to use other methods of obtaining an access token if there is a preexisting relationship between the client and the server providing the Microsub endpoint.


The client first performs discovery on the user's profile URL to find the Microsub endpoint and authorization endpoint. Given a user's profile URL, perform an HTTP GET request and look for either a <link rel="microsub"> or HTTP Link header with a rel value of microsub. Additionally, look for links with rel values authorization_endpoint and token_endpoint.

Link: <https://aaronpk.example/auth>; rel="authorization_endpoint"
Link: <https://aaronpk.example/token>; rel="token"
Link: <https://aaronpk.example/microsub>; rel="microsub"
<link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="https://aaronpk.example/auth">
<link rel="token" href="https://aaronpk.example/token">
<link rel="microsub" href="https://aaronpk.example/microsub">

The Microsub endpoint URL MUST NOT contain a fragment, and MAY contain query string components. If the URL contains a query string, then any GET requests MUST properly append the additional parameters to the query string, and POST requests MUST NOT send the query string properties in the post body. e.g. making a GET request with the additional query string component "action=config" to the endpoint "/endpoints?type=microsub" would result in a URL of "/endpoints?type=microsub&action=config"

(Note: The client will likely want to also find the Micropub endpoint for the user so that the client can post replies and other interactions to the user's website.)

Authentication and Authorization

Authorization is handled the same way as Micropub, using IndieAuth to obtain an access token.


Channels are described by the following properties:

  • uid - a string representation of a user-specific unique ID for the channel. This uid will be unique for each user, but may be duplicated across different users. Some implementations will use constant strings such as "example", while others may use database IDs such as "15029932", or a URL such as "http://user.example.com/channel/foo". The valid characters for a uid are any URL-safe character.
  • name - the display name for the channel. This may include any valid UTF-8 sequence. The client should use this name when displaying the name of the channel in the interface.
  "uid": "indieweb",
  "name": "IndieWeb"

In addition to any channels listed by the server, all Microsub servers have two channels with the uid default and notifications. Clients should display these with the localized names "Home" and "Notifications". Some users may not have any additional channels.

Some actions may want to apply to every channel, so the uid of global is reserved for this purpose. Actions such as mute that want to mute a user across every channel should use the channel uid of global.


All users are identified by profile URLs, with some constraints. User profile URLs MUST use either the http or https scheme, and MAY contain path and query string components, and MUST NOT contain fragments.


All operations in Microsub are considered "actions", and are specified with a query string or form body parameter of action.

  • channels
  • search
  • preview
  • follow / unfollow
  • timeline
  • mute / unmute
  • block / unblock

Actions that operate within the context of a channel can accept a query string or form body parameter of channel specifying the uid of the channel to use. If no channel is specified, then the default channel is assumed.




Retrieve the entries in a given channel.


  • action=timeline
  • channel (optional)
  • after={cursor}
  • before={cursor}

The response will include a property items with an array of post objects. See below for documentation on the format of items.

  "items": [
    { ... },
    { ... }
  "paging": {
    "after": "xxxxx",
    "before": "xxxxx"

See #Paging for more details on the paging mechanism.



The "search" action exists to provide a UI for the server to respond with the full URL of possible things to subscribe to. For example, a user should not be expected to type the exact URL of a feed to subscribe to, but instead should be able to enter partial matches, e.g. entering aaronparecki.com should return the full URL of https://aaronparecki.com/.

Using the "search" action, a client can provide a single text field where the user can enter either partial URLs or even arbitrary search terms, and the server can reply with a list of URLs that can actually be subscribed to. This also provides the ability to have a confirmation step where users can see a preview of what they will be subscribing to before they actually do so.

If the search term is a URL or partial URL, the Microsub server SHOULD fetch the URL if not already known, and discover any feeds at that URL that can be subscribed to. The server may also return feeds that are already known that match the search term, for example if another user on the server has previously subscribed to a matching URL.



  • action=search
  • query=
POST /microsub
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-type: application/json

  "results": [
      "type": "feed",
      "url": "https://aaronparecki.com/",
      "name": "Aaron Parecki",
      "photo": "https://aaronparecki.com/images/profile.jpg",
      "description": "Aaron Parecki's home page"
      "type": "feed",
      "url": "https://percolator.today/",
      "name": "Percolator",
      "photo": "https://percolator.today/images/cover.jpg",
      "description": "A Microcast by Aaron Parecki",
      "author": {
        "name": "Aaron Parecki",
        "url": "https://aaronparecki.com/",
        "photo": "https://aaronparecki.com/images/profile.jpg"
    { ... }

The response results are a jf2 version of the h-feed vocabulary. The only required properies are the type and URL.

  • type - (required) feed
  • url - (required) the URL of the result which can be used in a follow action to follow the feed
  • name - the display name of the feed
  • photo - a photo or icon representing the feed
  • description - a description of the feed, either as reported by the feed or generated by the Microsub server
  • author - a jf2 h-card describing the author of the feed. For multi-author feeds this may be an h-card representing the organization, or may be omitted

TBD: It might be nice to show an approximate frequency of posts, e.g. Feedly, and https://aaronparecki.com/follow

Searching for Content

TBD: implementing a search API for searching past posts that the Microsub server has indexed.

  • action=search
  • channel=
  • query=

The presence of the "channel" parameter indicates to the server that the client wants to search for posts rather than search for feeds. The channel parameter can be set to an individual channel such as "default" or a channel ID, or "global" to search across all channels.



The "preview" action exists so that the client can display a preview of a URL to the user before the user wants to create a subscription for it. The preview should show as much about the URL as the server can determine, such as basic profile information about the user, and a few recent entries by the user. There should be no permanent side effects created by previewing a URL, and as much as possible, the URL being previewed should not be provided with identifying information of the user who is previewing the URL.

The response includes the list of items in the feed if available, in the same format as returned by the #Timelines API call.




Retrieve the list of feeds being followed in the given channel.


  "items": [
      "type": "feed",
      "url": "http://tantek.com/"

The feed items may contain additional properties that describe the feed, see http://microformats.org/wiki/h-feed.


Follow a new URL in a channel.

POST /microsub
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


When a request to the follow endpoint is made, the Microsub server registers the follow action, and begins delivering content at that URL into the channel. The Microsub server can subscribe to the target URL via any mechanism available, but most often will attempt a WebSub subscription for its HTML+Microformats, or Atom/RSS feed, and fall back to polling if that fails.

New entries at the followed URL will appear in the channel when fetched from the channel's timeline. The Microsub server may fetch existing entries in the feed and add them to the channel at its discretion.

The response is a JSON representation of the channel, the same as is returned when listing all feeds followed in a channel.

  "type": "feed",
  "url": "http://tantek.com/"




Unfollow a feed from a channel.

POST /microsub
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


The Microsub server may remove all of this feed's items from the channel, or may leave them in place, at its discretion. If you are used to treating these channels as an IRC or Slack timeline, it would be more appropriate to leave the old items in the channel, just stop delivering new ones. However if you are more used to treating these channels as a Twitter or Facebook feed, then you may want the server to remove them from the channel.



Clients should provide a "mute" option in the interface. This allows the user to mute someone's profile, hiding all posts with the muted user's profile URL as the author from being displayed.

Muting users will cause all posts by the muted user to be hidden from display. The server MAY still store the posts internally, so that un-muting the user will cause past entries to appear again.

Any side effect at the server SHOULD NOT cause the muted user to know they have been muted. Muting users SHOULD NOT have any externally visible side effects.

For example, in the context of the Salmention spec, the server should still behave as if the muted user was not muted.


Retrieve the list of users that are muted in the given channel.


GET /microsub?action=mute HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-type: application/json

  "items": [
      "type": "card",
      "url": "http://annoying.example.com/",
      "name": "Annoying Person",
      "photo": "http://annoying.example.com/photo.jpg"


Mute a user in a channel, or with the uid global mutes the user across every channel.


POST /microsub HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



HTTP/1.1 200 Ok



To unmute a user, use action=unmute and provide the URL of the account to unmute. Unmuting an account that was previously not muted has no effect and should not be considered an error.



Blocking users will cause all previous posts by the blocked user to be hidden or deleted, and future posts by that user should not be stored. Additionally, the server SHOULD NOT produce any content or side effect that would notify the blocked user about a post. It is acceptable for the blocked user to know they have been blocked.

For example, in the context of the Webmention spec, the server should not send webmentions even if the user mentions the blocked user in a post. In the context of the Salmention spec, the server should stop sending follow-up webmentions to the blocked user.


Retrieve the list of users that are blocked in the given channel.

TODO: document the response format


Block a user in a channel, or with the uid global blocks the user across every channel.




Retrieve the list of channels for the user.

The response will contain a channels property with the list of channel uids and names. The uid=default and uid=notifications channels are not part of this response, so for users who have only the default channels, the response will be an empty array.

GET /microsub?action=channels
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxx

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-type: application/json

  "channels": [
      "uid": "31eccfe322d6c48c50dea2c84efc74ff",
      "name": "IndieWeb"
      "uid": "1870e67e924856dc7e4c37732b303b45",
      "name": "W3C"


To create, update, or delete channels, the client sends a POST request with the channels action.

To create a channel, the client includes the name of the channel to create. The uid of the channel will be assigned by the server.

To update a channel, the client includes the uid of the channel to update in the channel parameter, and includes the new name of the channel. Changing the name of the channel MAY change the uid of the channel, and if it does, the server MUST return the new uid in the response.

To delete a channel, the client includes an additional parameter method=delete. Note that the default and notifications channels can not be deleted.

Both creating and updating a channel MUST return the uid and name properties for the channel.

Create a Channel


POST /microsub HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-type: application/json

  "uid": "2c5e5d7c4d57da68cb03c972846e827845af974c9b",
  "name": "Coworkers"

Update a Channel


POST /microsub HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-type: application/json

  "uid": "2c5e5d7c4d57da68cb03c972846e827845af974c9b",
  "name": "Friends"

Delete a Channel


POST /microsub HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-type: application/json

Types of Feeds

The specific types and formats of feeds that can be followed is out of scope of Microsub. Instead, it's up to the Microsub server to support whichever feed formats it wishes. Typically, Microsub servers will prefer a Microformats 2 feed such as an h-feed or list of h-entrys, and will then fall back to finding an Atom or RSS feed. Other types of feeds may be supported, but clients should not make any assumptions about which formats are supported, and should make use of the "preview" action so that users have an indication of whether a subscription will succeed.



Posts are the basic object used in the API. Posts can be short status updates, photos, videos, podcast episodes, checkins, and many other content types. Post objects returned in the "items" array MUST be valid jf2 post objects.

An example of a simple jf2 post is below.

    "type": "entry",
    "published": "2017-04-28T11:58:35-07:00",
    "url": "https://aaronparecki.com/2017/04/28/9/p3k-http",
    "author": {
        "type": "card",
        "name": "Aaron Parecki",
        "url": "https://aaronparecki.com/",
        "photo": "https://aaronparecki.com/images/profile.jpg"
    "category": [
    "photo": [
    "content": {
        "text": "Finally packaged up my HTTP functions into a library! https://github.com/aaronpk/p3k-http Previously I had been copy+pasting these around to quite a few projects. Happy to have consolidated these finally!",
        "html": "Finally packaged up my HTTP functions into a library! <a href=\"https://github.com/aaronpk/p3k-http\">https://github.com/aaronpk/p3k-http</a> Previously I had been copy+pasting these around to quite a few projects. Happy to have consolidated these finally!"




Microsub uses a cursor-based pagination model, which provides the most flexibility to server implementations while still being easy to use by clients.

For API requests that paginate their results (e.g. #Timeline), there is an additional object returned with the values needed to page through those results.

  "items": [ ... ],
  "paging": {
    "before": "xxxxx",
    "after": "xxxxx"
  • If there are any items returned in the response, the server MUST return a "before" value that will retrieve items before all the returned items in the list.
  • If there are no items returned in the response, the server MUST NOT return a "before" value.
  • If there are additional items available that were not returned in the response, the server MUST return an "after" value that will retrieve the next page of items.
  • If there are no more items available, the server MUST NOT return an "after" value.

As far as the client is concerned, the "before" and "after" values are arbitrary strings. This allows the server to internally use whatever specific implementation is most appropriate for its backend technology. (Often this will be either a timestamp or a unique ID identifying the first and last items in the returned list.)

To make a timeline request for the next page of results, the client adds the "after=xxxxx" parameter to the query string. This allows easy navigation through the whole list of items in the channel.

While the user is reading the timeline, the client will likely also want to poll the timeline to see if new posts have been added since it was originally requested. Since not all Microsub servers will support streaming, the client needs an efficient way to poll for new items. The client adds "before=xxxxx" to the query string to request items that come before the first item returned in the previous request. This way the client can poll that until new items appear, and only the new items will be returned.

Example Paging Workflow

  • The user loads the client and makes a request for the timeline for the default channel:
    • /microsub?action=timeline
    • The server replies with the newest 20 items, and includes before=5a1713e55a171588 and after=5a1713e55a17136c
  • The user scrolls to the bottom and clicks "load more". The client makes a request for the next set of results:
    • /microsub?action=timeline&after=5a1713e55a17136c
    • The server replies with 3 more items, and does not include an "after" paging cursor in the response, indicating that there are no more items in the timeline.
  • Meanwhile, in the background, the client polls the timeline to find newer items by using the first "before" cursor that was returned in the initial request:
    • /microsub?action=timeline&before=5a1713e55a171588
    • The server replies with an empty items list and an empty paging object indicating there are no new items
  • After some interval, the client polls for new items again
    • /microsub?action=timeline&before=5a1713e55a171588
    • In the time between the two polls, there have been 25 new items added to the timeline, more than one page of results. The server replies with the newest 20 items list, and includes new before and after values, before=5a1724ad5a171599 and after=5a1722ea5a171280
  • Since the client sees there is an "after" cursor, it immediately fetches the next page of results using the original "before" and the new "after" value:
    • /microsub?action=timeline&before=5a1713e55a171588&after=5a1722ea5a171280
    • The server replies with the remaining 5 items, and no new cursors since there is no more data missing.
  • The client then continues polling with the latest "before" cursor it received

See the tests in Monocle for an example of the API requests made.

Limiting Results

Microsub servers SHOULD set a default limit on the number of items returned in lists. A reasonable default limit is 20 items. Microsub servers SHOULD support an additional query parameter limit which clients can use to indicate the requested limit of number items returned. Microsub servers MAY set an upper or lower bound on the values they accept for the limit, and MAY return a different number of items in the list than the client requets, for any reason. Clients should not expect the number of results returned to exactly match the number of results requested.

Authentication and Authorization Details

The client builds an IndieAuth authorization request URL at the authorization endpoint, and directs the user's browser there. In a native client, the client should use a system-native browser, rather than using a web view embedded in the application. See OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps for more details.

Build a URL with the following query parameters:

  • me={the user's profile URL} - the URL that the user entered at which the Microsub endpoint was found
  • response_type=code
  • client_id={the client's URL, e.g. its home page}
  • state={random state} - the client should generate a unique state value, and verify that it matches when the user is redirected
  • redirect_uri={the client's redirect URI} - for native apps, this may include a custom URL scheme
  • scope={requested scope} - a space-separated list of scopes that the client is requesting


Microsub defines the following scopes:

  • read - this is the minimum scope clients should request. this allows clients to have read access to channels.
  • follow - allows the client to manage the following list
  • mute - allows the client to mute and unmute users
  • block - allows the client to block and unblock users
  • channels - allows the client to manage channels

Additionally, the client may request Micropub scopes, in order for the user to be able to reply or like posts from within the client.

  • create
  • update
  • delete

The recommended set of scopes to request is read follow mute block create, which enables a rich set of interaction on the client, while also protecting the security of the user by default.

The user will visit the authorization endpoint, and if they approve the request, their browser will be redirected back to the client's redirect URI with a code and state in the URL.

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: https://client.example/redirect?code=xxxxxxxx

The client verifies the state value matches the state it generated for the initial request, and can then exchange the authorization code for an access token.

The client makes a POST request to the token endpoint initially discovered, with the following parameters:

  • grant_type=authorization_code
  • code=xxxxxxxxx
  • redirect_uri={the client's redirect URI}
  • client_id={the client's URL}

The response will be a JSON object with the following keys:

  "access_token": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
  "scope": "read follow mute block create",
  "me": "https://aaronpk.example/"

The me value returned MAY be different from the original me value input, but MUST have a matching host name. This enables support for multi-user websites, and allows the user's server to normalize profile URLs, e.g. it will always return https://aaronpk.example/ even if the user initially enters http://aaronpk.example.

The scopes returned MAY be different from what the client requested, based on whether the user choose to deny certain scopes, or grant additional scopes during the authorization request.

Design Considerations

Why a single endpoint instead of individual endpoints for each operation

Many similar APIs such as the Twitter API or Wordpress API use unique URLs for each type of operation: following, muting, fetching posts, etc. Microsub instead takes an RPC style approach, where all requests are made against a single endpoint, with the operation is specified with a query or form parameter.

This allows more flexibility in the design of the server, since the spec is not imposing a URL design on the server, each can choose a URL for the Microsub endpoint that makes sense for itself.

This also makes clients easier to write, since all requests are made against one base URL rather than needing to either keep track of a fixed URL pattern, or have a configurable URL pattern.


Per-Item Data

It's clear that there is a need for the reader and server to store additional per-item data that is not part of the post itself. Things like:

  • read/unread status
  • whether the user has already taken certain actions on the item (already favorited or reposted it)
  • whether there are any comments in the thread, how many there are, whether the user has commented
  • starred/unstarred status
    • This is something many feed readers have copied from the old Google Reader. (Did it originate with Google Reader?) Starring items is a lot like bookmarking within the reader and often instructs the back-end not to remove a post from storage.
    • A star was used here in much the same way as browsers use it in their UI to denote bookmarks. The design influenced the name.
    • Readers known to implement starring in their API include Feedbin, NewsBlur and Feed Wrangler. Feedly uses a special global “saved” ID as an “[e]quivalent of starring articles”.

There are a few ways we could store the additional per-item data.

  • Add new properties to the item object
    • may conflict with future Microformats vocabularies
  • Create a single new property (e.g. "microsub") that contains all the additional data
    • avoids possible vocab conflicts except for the name of the one property
  • Wrap the item in a new object which can contain these additional properties
    • makes accessing the post data an extra level deep, possibly awkward
    • won't conflict with Microformats vocabularies

Channel Statuses

Typically an interface will want to indicate whether particular channels have any new items since the user's last visit. We could add some additional data in the response of listing channels that can be used to provide either unread counts or just a boolean unread status (like Slack).

The response to retrieve the list of channels could look like:

  "channels": [
      "uid": "31eccfe322d6c48c50dea2c84efc74ff",
      "name": "IndieWeb",
      "unread": 30,
      "updated": "2018-01-16T10:19:00-0800"
      "uid": "1870e67e924856dc7e4c37732b303b45",
      "name": "W3C",
      "unread": 0,
      "updated": "2018-01-16T02:21:00-0800"

The unread property indicates the number of items in the channel that have not yet been marked as read. An interface can display either the count or just a boolean indication of whether the value is greater than 0.

This may also apply when listing the subscriptions in a channel, (currently the "GET follow" request).

Most existing feed readers also show the list of feeds added to a channel. While this makes sense for certain applications, it could be overwhelming if you are following dozens of individual people's accounts in a channel. How do existing readers handle the case when there are lots of subscriptions in a channel/folder?

Microsub may need a new endpoint that can return the list of channels as well as feeds within the channel including the unread/updated state for each, since this may be too big of a response to use in the "GET channels" response.

Bulk Operations / Syncing

With the addition of storing per-item state, readers will likely want a way to mark large numbers of items as read in a single request. Both for offline reading, as well as just for efficiency's sake while online.

Feedly's Markers API allows operations to be made on one or more items at a time. We can likely do something similar, possibly by just including multiple url[] parameters in the request.

Indicating Item Source

Because many traditional readers choose to show both the "Source" of an item in a feed when viewing it, in addition to the "Author" of the item, it may make sense to include some details about the Source in each Item in that source when retrieving a timeline.

See some examples below:

This will also be useful when someone reposts content, so you want the item to show the original author, but you also want to show who reposted it. Twitter does this by adding a line above the tweet.

A similar but slightly different version of this is when following content from forums, where you want to know which forum thread a post is from.

  • Aaron Parecki currently uses a forum API to subscribe to a few specific threads, which is sent to IRC. Replicating this in a reader interface would need some way to include which thread an item is part of so that it can be read in context.



Give Microsub server access to private posts for its user?

When a website adds private posts within feeds for auth’d visitors, it could be important for the Microsub server to be able to fetch these posts if the current user is included in the audience.

Image Resizing

It may be too much of a burden to require that clients are responsible for image resizing themselves. There has been some discussion about this in IRC as well as on GitHub.

  • Would a Microsub server download and store the images from post in its feeds? If yes, there needs to be logic to give the new URLs to the client somehow, and potentially the need for authentication for them. sknebel 06:42, 4 December 2017 (PST)

Indicating whether posts have already been responded to

The Microsub client needs to know whether a post has already been liked/replied/bookmarked/etc by the user in order to display a the appropriate interface buttons. Similarly the client should allow the user to delete the "like" post if it's been posted already, so it will need to know the URL of the like.

One way to accomplish this for external Microsub servers is the Microsub server can subscribe to your own site and index all the "like" posts it finds, and match those up. If your site is also your micropub and microsub server then all this is internal to the system and doesn't need to be specified.

Tracking read state or position

Some people would like to be able to track the read/unread state of individual items in a feed. Traditional feed readers typically work this way, although more modern interfaces like Slack keep only a single read pointer pointing to where in the stream was last read.


In case you want opinions, individual state is crucial in a reader for me: for feeds with long-form content I often read individual items, not in order. The API could provide bulk methods for mark-as-read to support clients using the different style (maybe based on the timeline/paging mechanism?) sknebel 04:13, 4 December 2017 (PST)

I too rely heavily on per-item read state. I think this comes down to a per-feed preference. This is because, the way I see it, there are 2 types of feeds I can subscribe to:

  1. A stream I am interested in. Like a person’s Twitter (or other micro-blogging) timeline. I am not particularly interested in every separate note on this feed, it is the feed (or rather the person!) I am interested in. If I am away from my reader for a weekend, I am not likely to go back and read what I missed. I just want to see their thoughts when they share them. A single “read pointer” is enough for these.
  2. A collections of long-form posts, most likely articles, that I am interested in. Here my interest goes out to the separate posts. The feed in its entirety is of no real concern, that’s just a ways for a publisher to communicate their collection to me. Because I see each post as a singular entity, that is how I would expect their read state to work. Marking everything as read prior to a single point makes little sense, especially when the only commonality between the posts is that they happened to come from the same publisher.

In the chat it was raised that this is “treating it like email” [1]. I would say instead that I treat it like a magazine subscription. I do not always want to read from cover to cover. But just because I happened to read the one in the back first, doesn’t mean I skipped everything before it because I didn’t want to read it. I merely skimmed the titles and will then read in order of relevance, where relevance is subjective. This might mean marking some things as read right after skimming the title (irrelevant) and keeping other things as unread ever after the next batch of posts (magazine issue) has already come and gone.

Some people have used things like “starring” in feed readers to get around this problem. But I think that is a bad usage of the feature. Read state should be used to remind me that I haven’t read a thing yet, not bookmarking.

Martijn van der Ven

Per Channel Filters

It may be useful for users to have filters per channel. For example if a user only wants to see original content from people they are following eg. excluding likes, reposts, bookmarks etc.

Tweet decks supports filters per "channel" to; show only tweets with a certain type of media, hide a keyword, only show a keyword and exclude retweets

Find posts about post

It could be useful if the server could provide information about other posts in the users collection that link to a specific one, e.g. to easily compile information like "5 people you follow liked this". This could be related to #Indicating_whether_posts_have_already_been_responded_to or part of #Searching_for_Content


CORS headers would make it possible to build clients that do not need any server-side code of their own. Authentication would be an issue in this case, so maybe suggesting a way to implement this would be helpful.